Value added coaching

Coaching always takes place within a business context and its effectiveness should be calibrated by the individuals ability to navigate, lead and act with confidence and self-awareness regardless of the changes on going in the organisational context.

In this, a range of issues are frequently raised, from decision making to work-life balance and managing self becomes a core focus for many coaches.

The trigger for coaching ranges from promotion to restructure and outplacement, effectiveness and sustainability remain core outcomes.

Coachees have been Chairs, CEO’s, Trustees, senior executives, high potentials and newly appointed/on boarding new team members.

Approaches draw on cognitive behavioural coaching, neuro science and organisational models and psychometric assessment often forms an important part of shaping initial mutual understanding and focus.

Our team of experts

Annabel Parsons
1-1 business leadership coaching, HIPO pools, problem resolution, neuro science approaches, program design

Ali Tisdall
Development program design, neuro science approaches

Peter Rush

Steve Giles
Governance/new Board members

Case studies

Executives span multiple disciplines, contexts and strategies with complexity and pace of change accelerating as they progress into strategic leadership roles. Coaching support enables executives to reflect, learn and assimilate across transitions and is recognised as delivering ROI – particularly where coaching is tied to business objectives and delivered by partners with strong business experience. Here we share case studies of our coaching work.