High performing teams

Team build and performance combine complex, multi-dimensional factors and challenges. Aligning individual skill sets, remits and structures with interpersonal dynamics, governance and purpose may still not always result in a team that genuinely performs.

Approaches start with business strategy and team purpose. Achieving clarity on these fundamentals puts team into its business context and development priorities can then be established. Working across both people and organisation, approaches can encompass individual assessment and composition review, team profile development, decision authorities and structure and build to team activities, feedback and dynamics.

We specialise in workshop design and a programmatic approach which supports and facilitates team development over time.

Case studies

Accelerating team development entails a cohesive approach spanning several disciplines and data sources. These include an understanding of strategy and key deliverables, team rules and ToR, culture and norms as well as individual profiles and capabilities. Developing a team strategy that supports a progressive, performance focused agenda results in greater collective impact. Here we share some case studies of our work with teams.