
Parsons Talent Consulting offers a range of services across the spectrum of People Organisation, Team and Board Effectiveness.

Talent advisory

Business change drives the need for diverse expertise, which needs to flex across demands. We provide input and support across a range of business situations- either as part of the core team, on an interim or flexible basis or as a consulting assignment.

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Board effectiveness

Every Board operates within a specific and unique set of business, interpersonal and cultural features giving rise to numerous challenges and nuances in terms of the dynamic, focus and effectiveness of the Board.

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High performing teams

Team build and performance combine complex, multi-dimensional factors and challenges. Aligning individual skill sets, remits and structures with interpersonal dynamics, governance and purpose may still not always result in a team that genuinely performs.

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Value added coaching

Coaching always takes place within a business context and its effectiveness should be calibrated by the individuals ability to navigate, lead and act with confidence and self-awareness regardless of the changes on going in the organisational context.

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In terms of ensuring sustainable business performance from a listed or privately funded business perspective, identifying Talent to lead and deliver is mission critical. It is rare for any significant executive appointment or directorship in a listed business to take place without an independent perspective. Equally, putting a robust independent assessment in place supports identification of potential and targeted investment in development.

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