How do you ensure that investment in your self development delivers a return?

Another New Year fades into the distance and along with it so many good intentions for a better self ahead…or are you one of the many that have made a real commitment to change and development in 2024? So far this year at Parsons Talent Consulting we have had a record number of clients signing […]

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Posted on: 20th February 2024

Is Talent strategy a waste of time or a beautiful key to unlocking organisational competitive advantage?

Is Talent strategy a waste of time or a beautiful key to unlocking organisational competitive advantage?

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Posted on: 22nd March 2021

Sink or swim? The New Normal

The pandemic threw quite a few curve balls at businesses- and in some senses has allowed a fresh look at some previously established principles. Who imagined that so many would transition to home working, so quickly and with so little time to plan? Many businesses are planning partial returns to the office- intending a blended […]

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Posted on: 10th March 2021


Is Talent strategy a waste of time or a beautiful key to unlocking organisational competitive advantage? Why Talent? Dramatic shifts in the world of work have changed where we work, the shape of the working week, how we collaborate, the way performance is observed, measured, and managed. In turn, as we operate remotely and with […]

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Posted on: 27th May 2020

Points of view

Has the corona virus improved decision making or simply reduced optionality? Public figures appear to avoid individual accountability by being ‘guided by the science’. Is the same happening in our organisations as restrictions appear to narrow options? To what extent will adversity be the driver of innovation? We’ve seen examples of both amongst our clients […]

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Posted on: 27th May 2020