Organisational restructure

A UK PLC, FTSE 20 business in the construction sector planned to restructure the business, moving Group roles and headquarters from the UK to the USA, their largest market.


There was a need to manage the selection processes and integration of all Group roles over a 12-month period, using a robust approach that supported and reassured the Board and stakeholders through this period of exposure.

Initial thinking was guided through briefing interviews with the CEO, President of the US business, outgoing Group heads of Functions and HRD plus existing business insight. Working closely with the external Search partner we gave input to the job profiles and person specifications.

Using CV’s and psychometric data, candidates across all Group roles were interviewed on aspects of their experience and approach, potential to span dual reporting lines and work with a remote GCEO whilst the business transitioned to the new structure over a 24 month period.


Insights and Impact

The business had not sought to recruit at this scale of level previously. External support was essential in resourcing the initiative and developing a robust and attractive employer proposition relied on high quality market feedback. The client estimated that these processes touched at least two thousand senior executives, many of whom had no prior exposure to the Group. Whilst certain functions proved challenging from a recruitment perspective, IT for example where the transformation agenda was highly attractive to candidates.

New talent was brought into lead on Human resources, IT, Supply Chain, Internal Audit and Health and Safety. Internal talent won through selection processes and were appointed to lead Marketing and Legal roles.

In parallel, new talent was brought in to lead Canadian, UK and Scandinavian businesses.


Service: Assessment