Sink or swim? The New Normal

Posted on: 10th March 2021

The pandemic threw quite a few curve balls at businesses- and in some senses has allowed a fresh look at some previously established principles. Who imagined that so many would transition to home working, so quickly and with so little time to plan?

Many businesses are planning partial returns to the office- intending a blended work pattern which reflects the dramatic shifts in our way of thinking about work.

This raises questions, and, given the time to think outside of a crisis, many organisations are now contemplating:

  • How to use the time when colleagues come into the office to best effect…. team days, health and well-being, cross functional matrix, learning and development, mentoring and social time- how to make the most of these opportunities?
  • What is the right blend, how to design roles and processes that fully engage and support colleagues through a move to greater flexibility?
  • How to manage Talent and build teams, motivate colleagues, and develop capability across multiple work structures and locations?

Our specialist faculty are actively engaged in addressing these questions with clients- try us- we may just be able to help!
Click here for further information and advice